Evidence Based Assessment and Treatment for Cervical Pathologies 

Saturday February 22, 2025

8:00 am- 5:00 pm

Course Description

In this course we will discuss current evidence in assessment and treatment of cervical pathologies. This will include manual treatment and stability exercises progression 

Level of Course: 
Essential (Basic), Intermediate, Advanced, or Mastery 

Format of Course:(Lecture, Lab, video, case studies, etc.) 

The course utilizes an evidence - based approach to treatment discussing the latest research delivered through lecture, demonstration videos, hands-on laboratory sessions, and open discussions. 

Required materials/equipment/clothing:
Please be prepared to participate in lab by wearing shorts, t-shirt and tennis shoes. You will be supplied Biofeedback cuff 

Course Objectives:

1. Demonstrate the use and proper application of Stabilization cuff 
2. Demonstrate the ability to assess C muscle strength and endurance 
3. Demonstrate the understanding of upper cervical manual Rx for Upper c hypomobility 
4. Demonstrate the understanding of C stabilization exercises and its progression 


Disha Chablani, DPT, OMPT 

Disha earned a Bachelor s Degree of Physical therapy from Rajiv Gandhi University India 2004. She worked at Spine Research Institute with a renowned spine surgeon for 4 years in India. Disha earned her transitional Doctoral degree of Physical Therapy from Wayne State University in 2010. In 2014, she advanced her skills by earning her Orthopedic Manual Physical therapy degree from Oakland University. This degree helped her advance the skills in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. She has taught few courses Internationally in India.

Jason Roberts, PT, CSCS, Pilates certified 
Jason is a graduate of Wayne State University Physical Therapy program 1994. He has been working in outpatient Physical therapy for 24 years with an emphasis on sports injury and rehabilitation, lower extremity biomechanics and manual therapy. Jason is certified Stott Pilates instructor in Mat, reformer, Cadilac and Chair and has been working at Equilibrium studio for 14 years. Jason has enjoyed teaching continuing education orthopedic courses for the last 7 years. 



8 AM - 9 AMIntroduction, Anatomy and biomechanics of C spine 
9 AM - 10 AM Cervical pathologies 
10 AM-12 PM Stabilization cuff protocol, assessment 
12 PM - 1 PMLUNCH 
1:00 PM-2:30 PMManual treatments 
2:30PM – 4:30PM Stability exercises and progression 
4:30PM – 5PM Patient case discussions and questions 


Course Location

RIM Auditorium (Basement) 261 Mack, Detroit MI 48201 or Brasza Outpatient Center


Intended Audience



Course Hours

8:00am – 5:00pm    
Registration will begin at 7:30am
Snacks provided.
Lunch on your own.

Contact Hours: 

8 hours


Registration Fees: 

Tenet/DMC/RIM employees $75
Non Tenet/DMC/RIM employees $150


Class limit: 

30 registrants



Online Registration      


To register visit https://dmc.clubautomation.com