Robotic Suits Help Wheelchair Users Stand & Walk
Exoskeletons are emerging as an exciting next step in maximizing the recovery of persons with spinal cord injuries and other neurologic conditions that limit mobility.
Exoskeletons are battery-powered, robotic suits that are strapped over the user’s clothing, enabling individuals to stand and walk.
Research shows patients using exoskeletons can experience a number of significant health benefits including, better circulation, increased oxygen intake, decreased pain, better bowel and bladder function and better joint maintenance. Not to mention, the
act of simply being upright and looking people in the eye has psychological benefits.

DMC Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan (RIM) is an industry leader in testing and evaluating exoskeleton technology. Learn more about Ekso and ReWalk, which are both available at RIM.
Ekso Bionics
Ekso is a gait training exoskeleton intended for medically supervised use by individuals with various levels of paralysis and other neurological conditions impairing walking ability. Ekso also has a variable assist model that allows our therapists to
customize the amount of assistance the device provides. The variable assist option is helpful for patients who are walking but need to work on the quality of their gait. Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan is the only Ekso Center in Michigan.